Objectives of the B Ed Programme

It is well known that the future of a nation depends on the future generation, that is on the present students. The molding of  better citizens is the duty of the teachers.All teacher Education programs aims the birth of dutiful and dedicated  teachers. A teacher should be capable of handle the students and lead them to successful life in all aspects.The B Ed program of all universities also try to satisfy these objectives. The main objectives of B Ed course are the following.
  • To understand the meaning and aim of Education.
  • To realise the importance of Education in socio-cultural context.
  • To know about the recent trends in Educational field.
  • To understand the present situation of Education.
  • To realise the various needs and developmental stages of children and their problems.
  • Acquaint with the prominent theories of learning, transfer of learning, and the strategies to facilitate each of them.
  • Familiarize with Educational guidance, counselling...
  • Understand the methods of teaching and evaluation.
  • Understand the basic use of ICT in Education and to prepare oneself to apply in the teaching learning environment.
  • Acquire adequate knowledge in the school subjects and express for the development of the students.
  • Acquaint with professionalism of teacher education.
  • To become a humane teacher.
  • Acquire skills of discharging the duties of a competent teacher in the present socio cultural and political system and to meet the challenges of the transforming society.
  • Developing skill of classroom management.
  • Acquire the skill for using different audio visual aids in teaching.
  • Develop the skill for dealing with the maladjusted children in the school.
  • Have readiness to accept the progressive changes in the field of Education.